Friday, 6 July 2012

Faith-(Part 3) Widening the perspective


A week before,I changed the background and layout of the blog.I hope you liked it.But looks in this case are superficial.Today I noticed an ostensible contradiction in the title and look of this blog.The background has an image of clouds in the sky and the title is 'The Caged Ornith'.I liked the image as it instantly appealed to me and so I am too obstinate to remove the image.But then,by making the use of my limited wits,I have explained myself that the background image depicts the ambition and thoughts of the 'Caged Ornith'.Most of us are 'Caged Orniths' too.We live in our world doing our professional and household chores and have a secret or dormant ambition or thought of your own perfect,blissful world abundant of material,spiritual and physical energy.Similar is the case with our 'Caged Ornith'.Living in a cage,unsure of freedom,it aspires to flutter in the sky near the clouds.Thus the title and the background don't appear contradictory anymore (at least to me).
In the last post I presented some points to support the arguments that there is a power that is unfathomable and omniscient which has created and is making the universe run smoothly.It will also in the future destroy the world(as claimed in many religions-A Judgement day kind of thing) and thus genesis will happen again.Thus,it is an unending cycle of creation and destruction.Again,we can notice the duality between creation and destruction.Some people may argue and say that "Ok! we do believe God exists and created the world.Thanks a lot!! But why do we need to pray or worship??"
The best answer to this could be-'Just to show that you are grateful to him and admire his wonderful creation.Whether you are an Engineer,Doctor or an Artist,you will agree that he is a better 'professional' than you.If you are a selfish one(Much alike me),then there are some situations which are beyond your control-Passing the exam for which you hadn't studied :) or more seriously praying for the well being of a loved one.There are numerous occasions in which you are helpless and  find yourself in the middle of nowhere.In such situation,(for most of us) God seems to be the only refuge'.Like they say,
When life knocks you on your knees,You are in a perfect position to pray.
Praying also helps to tap the infinite powers of the brain which lie dormant in the subconscious regions of the brain.The human mind has unlimited powers.Also,when you pray,it is a unilateral conversation between you and God.You speak and he listens patiently(we believe he does!).He then acts on his discretion and answers our prayers in a way which is most beneficial for us.
The Bhagwadgeeta  says-
Mind is a Terrible master but a wonderful servant.

So after one agrees to the fact that there IS god,the next obvious question he is sure to ask is-Who is he?.Well as of now,we don't know!.If you follow news channels,they are incessantly relaying programmes with titles similar to "God found" (in context to the Higgs Boson experiment).But still, it is like a first step in the journey of a thousand miles.We are still 'light years' away from the truth.For the seekers,one way to find the answer is you must transgress the worldly and bodily limits; which is not a pragmatic way(Atleast for a layman like me!).But that does not mean that there is no answer.People like us are enjoying spiritual pleasures and relishing them by making use of this approach.It is a simple yet powerful way to connect with God.The answer to the question is a word with which all of us are familiar.Faith!!!

What is faith??The best example to illustrate faith is of a child whom we slowly throw in the air but he is sure that he won't fall.There is someone who will hold him when he comes down.Thus,faith is a trust in God that he stands by you in every phase of life.You just need to acknowledge his presence.Now one may ask that why do we face sorrow,grief,misery and hardships in life?To this question I found the best answer in Quran that Life is a test for the human being.If we analyse it,it can be found out without without obscurity that God has provided man with the best tools(wit,brain,emotions and the human body as a whole) to overcome these hardships and act in the wisest way in order to 'pass the test'.But we as always tend to blame the examiner for setting up an 'impossible to pass' question paper.Like Engineering entrance exams in India,only a handful of students pass.Rest always find someone to blame.(a Bitter truth-I too found 3 people to blame)

People who know me,know that I have a habit to argue tooth and nail with my friends,relatives and acquaintances against the 'Godmen' and 'babas'.I used to look at their followers condescendingly.I have always been sceptical about these mortals claiming to be incarnations or prophets of god.Even today,My common sense doesn't allow me to believe their divinity.Though I bear great respect for some of them as a saint and preacher but I don't look upon them as the creator of the world.I love debating on such issues.I was like the empty(scantily full) vessel which makes more noise.I left no opportunity ungrabbed to debate and criticize the opposing party,who was more often a follower or a believer of a 'divine guru'.I presented scientific,religious and philosophical arguments to prove them that they were wrong.It gave me an immense satisfaction when I was successful to demean them(most of the time I was!!).

It went on until one day I realised that I was just a proud and arrogant egotist who loves to boast infront of others and the only thing which holds significance is faith.It helped me to widen my perspective of looking at people.This also helped me to understand these matters from a neutral point of view which was unbiased.

I'll relate the incident in the next post.Let me be honest, no miracle happened(In a way it did happen) and I witnessed no apparition or an image in the tree or some India TV type 'Chamatkaar'.(Not that 3 Idiots one ofcourse J).It was just a conversation followed by an argument,a part of which shook up my stubborn thoughts..........

To be continued.......

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